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Why Transplant Patients Should Care About Their Oral Health 

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Organ Transplant

The advancements in organ transplantation have revolutionized medical care, significantly improving outcomes for people with failing organ function. However, while immunosuppressive therapies and surgical techniques have advanced greatly, dental care for patients facing organ failure or planning for organ transplant surgery is often overlooked. Research has shown that oral diseases are considered one of transplant patients’ most prevalent problems. Because of this massive oversight, pre-transplant dental care is crucial for successful transplant procedures. 

Why Transplant Patients Should Care About Their Oral Health 

Studies have indicated that addressing dental health before transplantation can enhance the success rate of their surgeries. While there isn’t a standardized practice for oral health before transplant procedures, untreated dental problems have been heavily correlated with poor transplant outcomes due to bacteria exposure, which can increase immune system triggers and inflammation throughout the body. 

Dental hygiene should always play a role in your health, especially in the face of important procedures such as organ transplantation. If you are a transplant candidate that’s looking to reduce your risks, here are some pre-transplant dental guidelines that you can follow: 

  • Regular Dental Cleanings: Regular dental cleanings and checkups are essential at least twice a year. Before your scheduled transplant, consult your dentist, as they can offer preventative and treatment options to improve your surgical outcomes.  
  • Restorative Treatment: If you are experiencing oral health issues, your dentist can address those problems by treating active dental diseases like gum disease and removing non-restorable teeth with tooth extractions. 
  • Good Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is vital for improved transplant outcomes. Caring for your teeth and gums reduces the risk of infections and other chronic diseases that could impact your transplantation. 
  • Antibacterial Mouthwash: As part of your oral hygiene routine, using antibacterial mouthwash is recommended to help reduce the risk of infections from dental diseases. 

Following these guidelines can help improve your outcomes and help you maintain a positive outlook for your transplantation. If you seek guidance on managing your oral health for situations like this or require more complex dental procedures, our Oak Grove Dental Center team is here to provide the treatments you need. 

See The Oak Grove Dental Team For Your Care

Located in Milwaukie, OR, under the expertise of Dr. Kevin H. Speer, our practice is dedicated to delivering the best dental care possible. For more information about our treatments and services, please call our practice at (503) 654-9521. Prioritize your oral health and ensure successful transplantation at Oak Grove Dental Center.

Dr. Kevin H. Speer
Oak Grove Dental Center takes a comprehensive approach to dentistry that reaches throughout the Oregon communities, streamlining our dental services through an expansive reach of dentists and hygienists. By focusing on informing and educating our patients, we have pride in our ability to provide long-lasting treatments for those within the Portland, OR area.

Dr. Kevin H. Speer
Oak Grove Dental Center takes a comprehensive approach to dentistry that reaches throughout the Oregon communities, streamlining our dental services through an expansive reach of dentists and hygienists. By focusing on informing and educating our patients, we have pride in our ability to provide long-lasting treatments for those within the Portland, OR area.