The goal of any dentist is to provide the best care possible for their patients, but dentists need the right tools to properly diagnose and treat their patients effectively. One of the latest tools to arrive in offices is CBCT technology. CBCT, or cone beam computerized technology, is a special imaging device that dramatically improves the way dentists receive scans and images of their patient’s teeth. We’re here to go into what this unique device is all about and how it works to help us treat your teeth.
How Does CBCT Technology Work?
To best understand how CBCT technology work, it’s important to know how your dentist uses imaging devices to scan your teeth. As one of the essential parts of your dentist’s diagnostic process, the images produced from traditional or digital x-ray scans give your dentist the ability to view your oral cavity, including the structure you can’t see, for any signs of deficiency, injury, or infection. It’s normal to look at and receive your dental x-rays during your initial visit, and in some cases, your dentist will require you to use bite plates for multiple images to be taken. The produced films at the end of the session are then used individually, representing one view from one angle of your mouth, and are taken multiple times to get a clearer image of your full mouth cavity.
However, CBCT technology works differently, making the scanning and imaging process easier. CBCT technology uses a specialized camera to pivot around you, taking hundreds of images simultaneously from various angles. Once the pivot cycle is complete, the images are stitched together using specialized software to create a single, 3D image of your mouth. Because the images are composed and stored digitally, your dentists can also easily transmit those files to other medical professionals without waiting days or weeks. They can also submit them to their associated dental labs for any restorative treatment.
This technology brings numerous benefits to offices because it improves the diagnostic process dentists use to treat dental health problems. This imaging method works to:
- Improve the ability of your dentist to detect and diagnose oral health concerns
- Create incredibly precise, showing even the smallest details of your oral structures.
- Let dentists see all the nasal cavities, sinuses, and nerve canals.
- Help dentists notice signs of infection earlier due to the visible effects.
- Assist in creating treatment plans accurately and improving outcomes.
Learn More About CBCT From Your Dental Provider
If you want to discover more about CBCT technology, then the best place to go is to your dental provider. You can also talk to your dentist about other ways your oral health care is being improved and how they work best to care for your oral health by scheduling an appointment today.